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Becoming a WorldSkills Africa Member

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WorldSkills Africa will follow the same framework as that of WorldSkills International in being a membership association open to all African Union Member States (except for countries that are sanctioned by the AU).

Members of WorldSkills Africa are agencies or bodies with responsibility for promoting vocational education and training in their respective countries/regions. Members can be a Ministry, an agency within a Ministry, a Chamber or an NGO established with the purpose of being a Member organization.

However, an NGO must provide evidence of the support from key stakeholders in that country/region’s training system, e.g. government body in charge of vocational education and training, education providers, industry. Only one representative body per country/region will be recognized as a Member. WorldSkills Africa Members can also choose to apply for WorldSkills International membership provided that the Member organization representing the country/region is the same.

For more information about becoming a WorldSkills Africa Member, please consult the Membership Application document below as well as the official documents. If you have any questions about Membership, please reach out to